Better late than never;) We finished our summer with some fun. Over the past month, we finished settling into our new home, made a quick trip to the beach and aquarium, and just had some fun family time at HOME. Our new place is really starting to feel like home for us all:)

Here is a pic of mom and Cwa before "Girls Night". It is probably the last time she will get to go with mom to girls night. Maybe a day will come when she is old enough to carry on adult conversation and
want to hang out with mom.

She is still full of smiles and she LOVES to be with her mama.

She LOVED the beach!!!

McB and Daddy catching a fish. Shhhhh, don't tell him it is plastic:) He also pretends to fish in our backyard with sticks. He will catch an imaginary one, hold it up and say, "wook I caught a fish, we need to cook it".

Just in case you can not see from his face in the pics, he was fascinated by the aquarium.

He was a little concerned when Nemo would not talk to him.

Dolphin watching with the cousins:)

Trying to feed herself.



"Let's do this"

Official pose for "Potty Training"

Dressing his little sis.
Mom was not quick enough with the camera to get a good angle.

Mom caught him hanging out in our built-in wine rack/location of future missing toys.

McB and Daddy finding dinosaur shaped clouds.
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