Tuesday, February 19, 2013

4 Months

We are running a bit behind this month but here are some pics of our really active and strong yet uncoordinated little 4 month old.  He does not stop moving unless he is sleeping...or maybe for a few seconds while being mesmerized by his big bro or sis.  The nurse laughed during his 4 month check-up at his ability to tangle himself in the examining table paper as he enjoyed the sound that it made as he crumpled, kicked, twisted and tried to eat it.
He is full of smiles.
Hang'n with Big Bro.
Here are a few of his favorite places to hangout.

He loves to growl as he attacks his toys and tries to shove everything into his mouth at the same time.  Big Bro and Big Sis think this is hilarious.

Reading time with Daddy
We've had some beautiful weather that has enabled us to join Daddy at work for a few picnics.  Grampa and Gramma joined us for one too.  This is a fun spot to walk to that is just down from Daddy's work.

We are SLOWLY getting our yard and garden ready for Spring.  McB and SLiM have found that a large area of dirt is much more fun to play in than a small sandbox.  We will hopefully convince them that we can not play in the dirt once the garden is planted though.

Happy Valentine's
...sort of;)

McB and Daddy had fun designing and building his Grand Prix car this year.  His Mighty Machine Super Fast Train was the 2nd car out of the race which was fine by him because that meant he could finally play with it.
He did not want to pose for a picture and miss out on any playtime.

Monday, February 4, 2013

2 years

SLiM is 2!!!

She loves horses, coloring, taking care of her baby dolls, playing in her play kitchen and playing outside...and pretty much whatever McB loves:)  You would not stand a chance in beating her in a staring contest.  She has a great personality but she keeps it hidden while she is in the process of very seriously assessing her surroundings in new environments....that is pretty much anyplace or any face other than what she is comfortable with in her own home.  She has just transitioned into a "big girl" toddler bed, she only gets her beloved paci at night and during naps, and she is trying to convince us that she is ready to use the "big kid" potty...it's more the idea of "big girl" pants that she is excited about.

We started SLiM's Birthday celebration a few wks ago when Grampa and Gramma visited.
SLiM and her Horse, Chocolate Delight Pie, and part of her giant horse balloon

Feeding her horse (off of her horse birthday pie) an Easter egg in her play kitchen while wearing her fairy wings from Grampa and Gramma.

 Her actual Birthday fell on a Sunday, so, we had a little party with all of her nursery buddies.

Everyone had a blast with the balloons while waiting on the pizza to arrive.
Horse cupcakes

SLiM making her "fav horse" cupcake selection.  She loves making decisions on bows, clothes, shoes and horse cupcakes, saying, "pick one."
Her selection

She was not thrilled with being the COA during the Happy Birthday song.   She even asked McB to blow out her candles.

Opening her gift from her family

 We ended the day with the last of the cupcakes around the dinner table together as a family. 
The Happy Birthday song went over much better when it was just our family at home.

Blowing out her candles. 

Here are a few shots of her feeding her doll in IP's bumbo, and playing with a few of her other favorite toys.

Birthday Celebration at PawPaw and Granny's and meeting baby E.

Here is our updated sister's prego pic.  At the time of this post, we actually have another baby to add to the pic.  Baby C arrived on the 15th.  We hope to go and meet her soon and add her to the pic.