Tuesday, May 25, 2010

13+ Months

McB loves to try everything on whether it is meant to be worn or not:)

He has a while before he can share shoes with mommy or daddy.

Daddy's hat works to strengthen his deep neck stabilizers.

Paper is great fun to wear around the house.

Clothes hamper/mobile hideout.
The beach is McB's new favorite place to hangout.

His 1st camping trip was in the middle of a hail storm. He slept through the whole thing.
McB is thinking, "where has this mud stuff been all my life?"

Climbing is his favorite thing to do around the house. Through stuff, over things, up onto things. The problem is, he sometimes has a hard time remembering that he has to climb down carefully.

Like mother, like son.

We've decided that it is a little early to start thinking about potty training but he loves his toilet.


  1. Every one of these pics is great! Katelyn loves to try things on, too. I really think they are looking more alike since his hair has lightened up.

  2. He is so adorable. His expressions really show his personality too. What a boy!
    Can't wait to see him again.

  3. Great pics! Love the shoes and the mud pic! Very cute :)

  4. Ohhh, sooo cute!! I love the big hat photo. Darling.


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