Thursday, January 10, 2013

3 Months

3 Months...really?!?  

Here is a pic of our happy and growing 3 month old little man.

Hang'n with his silly brother and sister.

McB "reading" to his siblings.
A cold but fun trip to the zoo.  Mommy's 1st major outing with 3...met up with some friends at the zoo that helped make it possible;)

Remember the sisters' prego pic back on the "Moss Summer" post?  Well, IP was the 1st of 3 new cousin's to arrive.  #2 and #3 should be here in the next month or maybe 2's post.
Cousin time after the baby shower:))
We are getting better with our sleeping/schedule skills, but this is IP refusing to wake up for his last feeding of the day a few nights ago.