Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas 2011! We have been very blessed this year and we look forward to what the Lord has planned for 2012.

Here are a few shots of our family decorating for and celebrating Christmas in our new home.

McB and Cwa played with dad's old stuffed toy ornaments. She enjoyed watching him run over the toy soldier with the toy car ornament.

They both LOVE Christmas lights. McB is dragging the "light train" through the house and trying to keep it away from his sister.

Decorating the tree.

Stopping at the "walk of lights" is the best part of the drive to Dallas.

McB had to be told several times to slow down and stop running into people as he made his way through the lights.

Cwa is getting really close to walking. We are sure this also means she will be getting into more mischieff:0

They both had tons of fun opening presents!

She LOVED the paper and bows.

...seriously mom?

Craft time with cousin K.

Dress up time with cousin K.

Christmas morning.

Christmas afternoon...needing naps:)

Friday, December 16, 2011

10 Months

We celebrated Thanksgiving at Granny and Paw Paw's house. The festivities included eating, riding horses, craft time, decorating for Christmas, dancing, playing games, hunting, and eating some more:) Cwa dressed in her hunting git-up but momma would not let her (or McB) join daddy on the hunting trip.

Here is a shot of the cousins during craft time.

Momma, McB and Cwa riding Concho. Cwa loves horses...McB does too, but he has decided that he does not love taking pictures.

She is getting her 2 front teeth for Christmas this year.

Double Trouble in our backyard...Triple if you include our dog Harley.

The Moss' joined us in K-town for an early Thanksgiving. Here is a shot of all of us at the REALLY early Christmas Lighted Parade.

Working on their horsemanship again.

Cousin K joined McB at school for his Thanksgiving party. Cwa tagged along too. She thought she was big stuff getting to play with the big kid toys at school.

McB and Cwa LOVE their daddy.

Friday, November 4, 2011

9 Months

This is our sweet little 9 month old blessing. She has definitely grown in cuteness annnnnd stubbornness this month. She and McB crawl all over the house getting into everything. There are lots of fun times around our home these days. Here is a shot of her playing with the fridge numbers & letters. McB brings them to her when she is crying and she quickly becomes happy again.

Did I mention that she has grown in stubbornness? She is happy until she realizes that playtime is over. She still loves being swaddled but she has mastered getting into sitting, pulling to stand and crawling...while still wrapped in her swaddler blanket. She will sit in the corner of her crib, next to the door, and scream until she finally passes out. While some babies suck their thumb or a pacifier, Cwa has found her arm to be most soothing.

Above, is a shot of our monitor screen with Cwa sitting and sucking on her arm. Below, is a shot of Cwa still sucking on her arm, but passed out on top of her arm. She has been known to remain in sitting until her head starts to bob and she eventually falls forward in sitting and stays in that position as she snoozes. We would'nt dare wake her.

Here are a few more shots of her passed out in her crib.

My favorite:)

She loves to pull up to stand and dance at her new piano toy while it plays music for her.

McB and Cwa hanging out in their tent. Daddy is pretty proud of the fact that she can palm a small ball already.

McB says he gave Cwa "two" toys to play with in the tub. Clearly, we have not mastered the skill of counting yet.
Here are some shots of our trip to the local pumpkin patch. We are still working on getting both of them to smile at the same time. Throwing hay in the air helped.

Mommy, McB and Cwa on the "big, big bridge".

Riding the barrel train.

Cwa eating/tasting her 1st apple. Momma ate all of the caramel first;)

Cwa loved the horses at our county fair.

...and the Carousel.