Wishing everyone a blessed Christmas. Mom and Dad were blessed to be able to travel to SA and attend Chris Tomlin's Glory in the Highest Christmas Concert. Louie Giglio gave the Christmas message from Luke 2 that we've all heard before; BUT, He reminded us of how AWESOME it is that God REALLY did come to earth as a tiny baby in order to save us from our sin which separates us from Him. 400 yrs of silence from God between the OT and NT was broken by a baby's cry. WOW! Everything we celebrate is because of Him.
Emanuel, Emanuel, God Incarnate Here to Dwell.

We spent our Christmas weekend at Paw Paw and Granny's house this year.
McB was a happy camper all weekend.
He had a great time playing with his cousins...
and his new toy trucks...
driving them on everything, sound effects, drool and all...
and he esp. loved his new"Tommmy" the train set.
McB gave Paw Paw a Lincoln Log set and Daddy and Paw Paw had fun building log cabins and towers for the "wrecking crew" to kick down.
I'm sure we all gained a few pounds from Granny's yummy cooking.
McB took every opportunity available to go outside and see the cows and "hoooorses". We had to lock the screen doors on the porch after he managed to open one of them and make a bee line for the barn. He made it through the gate and 1/2 way to the barn before we saw him...prancing/running as fast as he could towards the "track" (tractor). He was very proud of himself. Here's a shot of him going for a ride on his Uncle Layne's shoulders. 
The adults ended the weekend with a game of Mad Gab that stressed Uncle Cody out. He's the guy with his hands over his ears. Girls beat the guys 3 to 1. Mommy had to go to bed a little early several of the nights b/c she was afraid of going into labor from laughing so hard. It was a great weekend:)
We celebrated Christmas with our family in Dallas, the day after Thanksgiving. This included decorating Gramma and Grammpa's house, being silly, dinner at a great Italian restaurant, and lots of presents:)
Our family actually kicked off the Christmas Season with a lighted Christmas Parade on Nov 20th this yr.
McB LOVED the parade. Everytime a scene like the bus below would drive by, he would quickly sign and say more, more, more, more.
We recently spent an evening touring a Bethlehem scene via lighted horse and carriage. This was a 1st for all 3 of us.
We also spent an evening decorating our tree. McB enjoyed helping this yr.
Don't be jealous of our fancy tree. It has survived a college trailer house with a cat that liked to climb into it and a dog that liked to attack the cat in the branches. I think it spent a few yrs in a 1st grade classroom after that. We figured tons of lights and ornaments would hide the pitiful branches:)